About Me
Name’s Bosley… Jonathan Bosley. I’m an interactive & web developer.

I’ll bet that you don’t want me to bore you with all the gory details of my qualifications, experience, programming languages spoken, or any of those sorts of things. If that was what you were interested in, you would probably just be looking through my portfolio or studying my resume.
That being said, let me tell you a little about me. I am currently employed at the advertising agency Imaginuity in Dallas, TX. My focus here is responsive CMS driven website, application, and platform development. I love my job and am not actively seeking work; however, I am always interested in collaborating and connecting with others, so interact with me here or through one of my social networks. I may also be convinced to work freelance if it were the right project.
Finding creative solutions to interesting challenges is one of my favorite things to do. While it usually tends to manifest itself through some type of coding problem and solution because of my job, I am interested in problem-solving in many other aspects of life. So, even if you’re not a developer, or are in a completely unrelated industry, I still challenge that collaboration can help anyone reach their goals – so get in touch!
No person or industry is so compartmentalized that there aren’t areas of overlapping interest even if it’s just conceptual.
March 16, 2017Hi Jonathan,
I found your details on toolset where you had left a comment re hierarchical parent/child structures and thought you may be able to help (obviously provided you have and think it is interesting).
I am building a site using ‘visual composer’ and ‘toolset’ and there are two main categories on the site
– for rent
– for sale
Is there a smart, clever, intelligent way to make it possible to create a hierarchy in wp where I can have the following structure
As you can see, the problem here is ‘malaga’ as wp does not allow you to use the same child name for different parents.
Any input is welcome and I am obviously prepared to pay for your time if you can come up with a solution (hoping you are not super expensive but that is something we can discuss if you think you have a good solution – again provided time and interest).
Hope to hear from you.
Best regards/john
March 16, 2017I think this is available with Toolset Types by default, have you played with the options for rewriting the URL? You can create a custom slug to prepend posts with. Try making that /for-sale/malaga on the sale, and /for-rent/malaga on the rent one. I haven’t tested it but it seems like this should work as they are still unique if you use both slugs.
March 20, 2017Hi,
Many thanks for getting back to me. I was not very clear about the structure I think – ‘malaga’ is merely one destination of many. I have sent a question to toolset to see what they say. Again, many thanks.
Best regards/john
March 20, 2017Oh, I see now. Let me know what toolset says. I would have to sit down and think about how to accomplish that and do some testing before I could try to offer a solution.
March 22, 2017Hi,
toolset suggest a similar solution to what you did
“It should be possible to create a URL like you want but it will not be Dynamic, as WordPress dies not allow Dynamic Placeholders for Custom Posts URLs
So this is possible:
This can be changed in Toolset > Post Types > your_post_type > Edit > Options > Rewrite > Use a custom URL format
There you can add Static Slugs. They will always be the same. They will not dynamically change.”
So in other words, not really an option so think I will have to rethink the hierarchy but should you have a brainwave, please let me know.
Best regards,
March 22, 2017You could consider not using typical Parent Child post relationships and model it similarly to the way that I explained in the Toolset forum. Not knowing what Malaga is I wouldn’t know what to call that Post Type but let’s say it’s a geographic location like City. You could have post type of City and Item and then select if the Item was for sale or rent, and what City was it’s parent based on the built in relationship system in Toolset Types. Then you’re URL rewrites and routing could work similarly to what I outlined only adding /for-rent/ or /for-sale/ at the beginning based on the value of that Item’s field. Here’s the link to the blog post about it if you don’t have that info handy.
March 23, 2017Hi,
Thanks for your message. Yes, was thinking of a similar solution but done in a different way – my understanding of php is unfortunately not that great. What I have in mind is two different post types, one ‘for-sale’ and one ‘for-rent’ and the individual property pages would be children of a city parent. If OK with you, I will in a few days send you an example of what I have in mind and if you do not mind, great if you could let me have your thoughts?
Best regards/john
March 30, 2017Hello again,
Would you be interested in a project that involve converting (a brand new) html site into wp / php?
The site is brand new with nothing more than test content.
The address is http://real-estate-new.4demo.biz/
pw and username is test
If of interest – is it possible to give a rough cost estimate?
Best regards,
March 30, 2017What does your timeline look like? I have a few projects on my plate right now so wouldn’t be able to start immediately.
March 30, 2017It is not super urgent and I have still not decided if this is a smart move – I have done the design but do not really trust the guys behind the cms – long discussions about simple things functionalities.
When do you think that you realistically could start and how long do you think it will take?
And how much will it cost (very rough estimate is ok).
And not least important, do you think it is a good idea to do it in the first place?
Best regards,
March 31, 2017Real rough ball park you’re probably looking at around $12k and it would probably take 2-3 months (I have a full-time job, so would only be able to work on this in evenings and on weekends). I could feasibly start in the last half of this month. As far as it being a good idea or not, that sort of depends on how the website will be functioning, how often content will need to be updated, and if you will have a full-time developer available to make changes going on. If content is updated frequently and you do not have a full-time developer dedicated to working on the project I do think moving it to a CMS like WordPress would be a good idea.
April 27, 2017Hi, Sorry for the long delay in getting back to you and thanks for the rough estimate. Kind of what I expected but unfortunately not within my budget. Decided instead to clone another site and take it from there.
Many thanks for your help.
Best regards/JOHN
April 27, 2017Not a problem, best of luck.